I am looking for the equivalent implementation of the laplacian of gaussian edge detection.
In matlab we use the following function
[BW,threshold] = edge(I,'log',...)
In python there exist a function for calculating the laplacian of gaussian. It is not giving the edges back definitely.
Any pointer to online implementation or the code
What matlab edge() do should be
The LoG filter of scipy only does step 1 above. I implemented the following snippet to mimic step 2~4 above:
import scipy as sp
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as nd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage import data
# lena = sp.misc.lena() this function was deprecated in version 0.17
img = data.camera() # use a standard image from skimage instead
LoG = nd.gaussian_laplace(img , 2)
thres = np.absolute(LoG).mean() * 0.75
output = sp.zeros(LoG.shape)
w = output.shape[1]
h = output.shape[0]
for y in range(1, h - 1):
for x in range(1, w - 1):
patch = LoG[y-1:y+2, x-1:x+2]
p = LoG[y, x]
maxP = patch.max()
minP = patch.min()
if (p > 0):
zeroCross = True if minP < 0 else False
zeroCross = True if maxP > 0 else False
if ((maxP - minP) > thres) and zeroCross:
output[y, x] = 1
This of course is slow and probably not idiomatic as I am also new to Python, but should show the idea. Any suggestion on how to improve it is also welcomed.