I have been reading here, but I couldnt find any solution online to solve my problem..I think I have the indentation right, but I still get the Name Error..Can someone help me out please. This script should run a new panel in maya, which works kind of, but the error is really annoying.
class PanelWindow( object ):
def __init__( self, name, title, namespace=__name__ ):
self.__name__ = name
self._title = title
self.instance = str(namespace) + '.' + self.__name__
if not pm.scriptedPanelType(self.__name__, q = True, ex = True):
pm.scriptedPanelType(self.__name__, u = True)
jobCmd = 'python(\\\"%s._setup()\\\")' % self.instance
job = "scriptJob -replacePrevious -parent \"%s\" -event \"SceneOpened\" \"%s\";" % ( self.__name__, jobCmd )
pm.scriptedPanelType( self.__name__, e = True,
createCallback = 'python("%s._createCallback()")' % self.instance,
initCallback = 'python("%s._initCallback()" )' % self.instance,
addCallback = 'python("%s._addCallback()" )' % self.instance,
removeCallback = 'python("%s._removeCallback()")' % self.instance,
deleteCallback = 'python("%s._deleteCallback()")' % self.instance,
saveStateCallback = 'python("%s._deleteCallback()")' % self.instance
def _setup(self):
"""Command to be call for new scene"""
panelName = pm.sceneUIReplacement( getNextScriptedPanel=(self.__name__, self._title) )
if panelName == '':
panelName = pm.scriptedPanel( mbv=1, unParent=True, type=self.__name__, label=self._title )
label = panel( self.__name__, query=True, label=True )
pm.scriptedPanel( self.__name__, edit=True, label=self._title )
def _addCallback(self):
"""Create UI and parent any editors."""
def show( self ):
mel.eval('tearOffPanel "%s" %s true;' % (self._title, self.__name__) )
global test
test = PanelWindow('myName', 'Light')
# NameError: name '__main__' is not defined #
# Error: line 1: name '__main__' is not defined
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "<maya console>", line 1, in <module>
# NameError: name '__main__' is not defined #
When executing Python scripts, the Python interpreter sets a variable called __name__
to be the string value "__main__"
for the module being executed (normally this variable contains the module name).
It is common to check the value of this variable to see if your module is being imported for use as a library, or if it is being executed directly. So you often see this block of code at the end of modules:
if __name__ == '__main__':
# do stuff
I suspect you have left the string quotes off of '__main__'
which gives the NameError you're seeing
>>> if __name__ == __main__:
... pass
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name '__main__' is not defined