psycopg2 TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

konart picture konart · Feb 3, 2014 · Viewed 31.6k times · Source

I'm trying execute a simple query, but getting this error no matter how I pass the parameters.

Here is the query (I'm using Trac db object to connect to a DB):

cursor.execute("""SELECT name FROM "%s".customer WHERE firm_id='%s'""" % (schema, each['id']))

schema and each['id'] both are simple strings

print("""SELECT name FROM "%s".customer WHERE firm_id='%s'""" % (schema, each['id']))

Result: SELECT name FROM "Planing".customer WHERE firm_id='135'

There is on error is a remove quote after firm_id=, but that way parameter is treated a an integer and ::text leads to the very same error.


Spencer Sutton picture Spencer Sutton · Dec 23, 2018

In my case I didn't realize that you had to pass a tuple to cursor.execute. I had this:

cursor.execute(query, (id))

But I needed to pass a tuple instead

cursor.execute(query, (id,))