I am trying to find a way to prevent users from double-submitting my forms. I have javascript that disables the submit button, but there is still an occasional user who finds a way to double-submit.
I have a vision of a re-usable library that I could create to protect from this.
In my ideal library, the code block would look something like this:
with acquire_lock({'field1':'abc', 'field2':'def'}) as lock:
response = #do some credit card processing
lock.response = response
except SubmissionWasDuplicate, e:
response = e.response
The lock table would look something like this:
Does anyone know if this already exists? It doesn't seem to difficult to write, so if it doesn't exist I may write it myself.
You can use a session to store the hash
import hashlib
def contact(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = MyForm(request.POST)
#join all the fields in one string
if request.session.get('sesionform')!=hashstring:
if form.is_valid() :
request.session['sesionform'] = hashstring
#do some stuff...
return HttpResponseRedirect('/thanks/') # Redirect after POST
raise SubmissionWasDuplicate("duplicate")
form = MyForm()
With this approach (not deleting the session cookie) the user can't re-store the data util the session expires, by the way, i'm assuming that exist something who identify the user who send the data