Get selected text from a form using wtforms SelectField

mannaia picture mannaia · Jan 19, 2014 · Viewed 19k times · Source

This is a question upon the use of wtforms SelectField.

Once the form submitted, I wish to extract selected text.

I have the following form:

from wtforms import Form, SelectField
class TestForm(Form):
     hour = SelectField(u'Hour', choices=[('1', '8am'), ('2', '10am') ])

Here's the view:

@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def test_create():
form =TestForm(request.form)
if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
    test = Test()
    return redirect(url_for('test_create'))
return render_template('test/edit.html', form=form)

With I obtain the attribute name (no surprise...), whilst I need the text (let's say 8am if the first option is chosen).

How should this be possible ? Thanks for any hint.


iMom0 picture iMom0 · Jan 19, 2014

Define choices global in forms:

HOUR_CHOICES = [('1', '8am'), ('2', '10am')]

class TestForm(Form):
     hour = SelectField(u'Hour', choices=HOUR_CHOICES)

import it from forms, convert it to dict:

from .forms import HOUR_CHOICES

hour_display = dict(HOUR_CHOICES).get(