It is straightforward to compute the partial derivatives of a function at a point with respect to the first argument using the SciPy function scipy.misc.derivative
. Here is an example:
def foo(x, y):
return(x**2 + y**3)
from scipy.misc import derivative
derivative(foo, 1, dx = 1e-6, args = (3, ))
But how would I go about taking the derivative of the function foo
with respect to the second argument? One way I can think of is to generate a lambda function that rejigs the arguments around, but that can quickly get cumbersome.
Also, is there a way to generate an array of partial derivatives with respect to some or all of the arguments of a function?
I would write a simple wrapper, something along the lines of
def partial_derivative(func, var=0, point=[]):
args = point[:]
def wraps(x):
args[var] = x
return func(*args)
return derivative(wraps, point[var], dx = 1e-6)
>>> partial_derivative(foo, 0, [3,1])
>>> partial_derivative(foo, 1, [3,1])