I want to make my Windows computer run a Python script when it detects that a flash drive which has a particular name (for example "My drive") has been plugged in.
How can I achieve this?
Should I use some tool in Windows or is there a way to write another Python script to detect the presence of a flash drive as soon as it is plugged in? (I'd prefer it if the script was on the computer.)
(I'm a programming newbie.. )
Building on the "CD" approach, what if your script enumerated the list of drives, waited a few seconds for Windows to assign the drive letter, then re-enumerated the list? A python set could tell you what changed, no? The following worked for me:
# building on above and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/827371/is-there-a-way-to-list-all-the-available-drive-letters-in-python
import string
from ctypes import windll
import time
import os
def get_drives():
drives = []
bitmask = windll.kernel32.GetLogicalDrives()
for letter in string.uppercase:
if bitmask & 1:
bitmask >>= 1
return drives
if __name__ == '__main__':
before = set(get_drives())
pause = raw_input("Please insert the USB device, then press ENTER")
print ('Please wait...')
after = set(get_drives())
drives = after - before
delta = len(drives)
if (delta):
for drive in drives:
if os.system("cd " + drive + ":") == 0:
newly_mounted = drive
print "There were %d drives added: %s. Newly mounted drive letter is %s" % (delta, drives, newly_mounted)
print "Sorry, I couldn't find any newly mounted drives."