Python UTC datetime object's ISO format doesn't include Z (Zulu or Zero offset)

Murali Mopuru picture Murali Mopuru · Oct 29, 2013 · Viewed 127.3k times · Source

Why python 2.7 doesn't include Z character (Zulu or zero offset) at the end of UTC datetime object's isoformat string unlike JavaScript?

>>> datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()

Whereas in javascript

>>>  console.log(new Date().toISOString()); 


Manav Kataria picture Manav Kataria · Mar 14, 2017

Option: isoformat()

Python's datetime does not support the military timezone suffixes like 'Z' suffix for UTC. The following simple string replacement does the trick:

In [1]: import datetime

In [2]: d = datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 10, 12, 0, 0)

In [3]: str(d).replace('+00:00', 'Z')
Out[3]: '2014-12-10 12:00:00Z'

str(d) is essentially the same as d.isoformat(sep=' ')

See: Datetime, Python Standard Library

Option: strftime()

Or you could use strftime to achieve the same effect:

In [4]: d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ')
Out[4]: '2014-12-10 12:00:00Z'

Note: This option works only when you know the date specified is in UTC.

See: datetime.strftime()

Additional: Human Readable Timezone

Going further, you may be interested in displaying human readable timezone information, pytz with strftime %Z timezone flag:

In [5]: import pytz

In [6]: d = datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 10, 12, 0, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc)

In [7]: d
Out[7]: datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 10, 12, 0, tzinfo=<UTC>)

In [8]: d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z')
Out[8]: '2014-12-10 12:00:00 UTC'