ImportError: No module named Crypto.Cipher

Graham Smith picture Graham Smith · Oct 27, 2013 · Viewed 426.7k times · Source

When I try to run (Python 3.3, PyCrypto 2.6) my virtualenv keeps returning the error listed above. My import statement is just from Crypto.Cipher import AES. I looked for duplicates and you might say that there are some, but I tried the solutions (although most are not even solutions) and nothing worked.

You can see what the files are like for PyCrypto below:


elad silver picture elad silver · Jan 7, 2014

I had the same problem on my Mac when installing with pip. I then removed pycrypto and installed it again with easy_install, like this:

pip uninstall pycrypto
easy_install pycrypto

also as Luke commented: If you have trouble running these commands, be sure to run them as admin (sudo)

Hope this helps!

EDIT: As winklerr correctly notes above, pycrypto is no longer safe. Use pycryptodome instead, it is a drop-in replacement