I created a table called participant composed by participant_ID (which is the primary key and is identity[has an auto-value]) and session_ID (which is a foreign key).
When I create a new participant, I would like to store its participant_ID.
I have the following code, but I get the following message error: 'Syntax problem near returning'
connection = pyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Serve=:xxx;Database=xxx;Uid=xxx;Pwd=xxx')
cur = connection.cursor()
pID = cur.execute('INSERT INTO participant(sessions_ID) VALUES (40) RETURNING participant_ID')
Many thanks in advance!
This is a really, really old post, I know - but I had the same question and came upon it. I got mine working and thought I would share for those that stumble here as I have. Please be kind, this was my first pass at the code. It isn't pretty, but it should get you started.
def exec_query(self, query_type, query):
# query_type: This is an enumumeration defining the CRUD operation of the query.
# Note, the native client (11.0) might change with time and Windows updates)
# Note, the driver varlue would normally go in a constant, I put it here just for clarity
with pypyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0}; ' + self.cnx_str) as connection:
cursor = connection.cursor()
if query_type is QueryType.create:
cursor.execute("SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()")
row = cursor.fetchone()
seed_id = row[0]
except AttributeError:
seed_id = 0
return seed_id
# ... Additional code for non 'create' operations