Docker, Supervisord and logging - how to consolidate logs in docker logs?

jvc26 picture jvc26 · Sep 8, 2013 · Viewed 22.6k times · Source

So, experimenting with Docker + Supervisord + Django app via uWSGI. I have the whole stack working fine, but need to tidy up the logging.

If I launch supervisor in non-daemon mode,

/usr/bin/supervisord -n

Then I get the logging output for supervisor played into the docker logs stdout. However, if supervisord is in daemon mode, its own logs get stashed away in the container filesystem, and the logs of its applications do too - in their own app__stderr/stdout files.

What I want is to log both supervisor, and application stdout to the docker log.

Is starting supervisord in non-daemon mode a sensible idea for this, or does it cause unintended consequences? Also, how do I get the application logs also played into the docker logs?


Drew picture Drew · Jan 27, 2014

I accomplished this using .

Install supervisor-stdout in your Docker image:

RUN apt-get install -y python-pip && pip install supervisor-stdout

Supervisord Configuration

Edit your supervisord.conf look like so:


command = supervisor_stdout 
buffer_size = 100 
events = PROCESS_LOG 
result_handler = supervisor_stdout:event_handler