How to save XLSM file with Macro, using openpyxl

AnujAroshA picture AnujAroshA · Jul 16, 2013 · Viewed 40.8k times · Source

I have .xlsm file with a Macro function. I'm loading it using openpyxl and write some data to the file and finally want to save as a different .xlsm file.

To save the file as XLSM file I have used below code in my Python script.'testsave.xlsm');

But I cannot open that file if I saved as above. But if I saved it as .xlsx then I can open the file without the Macro function that original file had.

I want to open a Excel sheet that has Macro function, edit the file and save it as new .xlsm file using openpyxl. How can I do that?


eule picture eule · Sep 29, 2015

For me this worked, together with version openpyxl==2.3.0-b2

wb = load_workbook(filename='original.xlsm', read_only=False, keep_vba=True)

It is also mentioend in the documentation here: