I want to create a userinput box for integers inside a canvas I created with Tkinter. How I would go about doing this?
def gamescreen():
photo = PhotoImage(file="gamescreen.gif")
canvas.bind("<Button-1>", buttonclick_gamescreen)
canvas.pack(expand = YES, fill = BOTH)
canvas.create_image(1, 1, image = photo, anchor = NW)
e1 = Entry(canvas)
e2 = Entry(canvas)
game1 = PhotoImage(file="1.gif")
canvas.create_image(30, 65, image = game1, anchor = NW)
canvas.create_window(window = e1, x=10, y=10)
canvas.create_window(window = e2 , x=400, y=10)
This is what I currently have but a entry box doesn't appear anywhere on the canvas. I know this probably isn't the most efficient way to create a game in python but I'm not familiar with any other way.
Thanks for your help.
EDIT: I have updated the code with the suggestions provided. I now have an issue with
IndexError: tuple index out of range
This is occurring at the lines below
canvas.create_window(window = e1, x=10, y=10)
canvas.create_window(window = e2, x=400, y=10)
EDIT: Okay I figured out what was wrong, I had to remove the x= and y= and just have the coordinates by themselves. The entry boxes now appear.
You can use create_window to place a widget within a canvas.
e1 = Entry(canvas)