Display python unittest results in nice, tabular form

Adam Matan picture Adam Matan · Jun 18, 2013 · Viewed 47.7k times · Source

I am writing a Pythonic tool which validates the correctness of a certain system. Each validation is written as a Python unittest, and the report looks like:

test_exclude_list_not_empty (__main__.TestRepoLists)
Assert the the exclude list is not empty ... ok
test_include_list_not_empty (__main__.TestRepoLists)
Assert the the include list is not empty ... ok
test_repo_list_not_empty (__main__.TestRepoLists)
Assert the the repo list is not empty ... ok

In my opinion, this format is hard to read, especially for non-Pythonists. Is there any report generator that can generate a report in a nice, tabular form, e.g.:

| Test                                                           |  Status   |
| Assert the the exclude list is not empty                       |  OK       |
| Assert the the include list is not empty                       |  OK       |
| Assert the the repo list is not empty                          |  OK       |
| All the items in the include list should be in the repo list   |  OK       |

Clarification The test suite runs on a remote terminal, so I prefer command line reporting tools.


alecxe picture alecxe · Jun 18, 2013

This is not exactly what you are asking, but there are several options for having a readable test output there:

  • HTMLTestRunner generates easy to use HTML test reports in a tabular form. Here's a sample report.
  • nose-html-output plugin for nose test runner
  • unittest-xml-reporting - PyUnit-based test runner with JUnit like XML reporting
  • nose with --with-xunit option will produce junit xml style reports that are easy to read and convert

Also see:

If you want to see test results in a tabular form in the console anyway, I think that a good idea would be to write your own nose plugin or test runner based on unittest.TestProgram as it was done in HTMLTestRunner.

Hope that helps.