I have a dictionary in my program and each of the value is a list of response times. I need to calculate the 95 percentile response time for each of these lists. I know how to calculate the average, But have no idea about 95 percentile calculation. Any pointers would be appreciated.
The following is the dictionary output of my program
finalvalues = {'https://lp1.soma.sf.com/img/chasupersprite.qng?v=182-4': ['505', '1405', '12', '12', '3'], 'https://lp1.soma.sf.com/img/metaBar_sprite.dsc': ['154', '400', '1124', '82', '94', '108']}
import numpy as np
for i in finalvalues.values():
print np.percentile(map(int,i),95)