I'm trying to generate a pdf from template using this snippet:
def write_pdf(template_src, context_dict):
template = get_template(template_src)
context = Context(context_dict)
html = template.render(context)
result = StringIO.StringIO()
pdf = pisa.pisaDocument(StringIO.StringIO(html.encode("UTF-8")), result)
if not pdf.err:
return http.HttpResponse(result.getvalue(), mimetype='application/pdf')
except Exception('PDF error')
All non-latin symbols are not showing correctly, the template and view are saved using utf-8 encoding.
I've tried saving view as ANSI and then to user unicode(html,"UTF-8"), but it throws TypeError.
Also I thought that maybe it's because the default fonts somehow do not support utf-8 so according to pisa documentation I tried to set fontface in template body in style section.
That still gave no results.
Does any one have some ideas how to solve this issue?
This does work for me:
pdf = pisa.pisaDocument(StringIO.StringIO(html.encode("UTF-8")), result, encoding='UTF-8')