timeit versus timing decorator

unutbu picture unutbu · Oct 26, 2009 · Viewed 74.3k times · Source

I'm trying to time some code. First I used a timing decorator:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import time
from itertools import izip
from random import shuffle

def timing_val(func):
    def wrapper(*arg, **kw):
        '''source: http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet368.html'''
        t1 = time.time()
        res = func(*arg, **kw)
        t2 = time.time()
        return (t2 - t1), res, func.__name__
    return wrapper

def time_izip(alist, n):
    i = iter(alist)
    return [x for x in izip(*[i] * n)]

def time_indexing(alist, n):
    return [alist[i:i + n] for i in range(0, len(alist), n)]

func_list = [locals()[key] for key in locals().keys()
             if callable(locals()[key]) and key.startswith('time')]
shuffle(func_list)  # Shuffle, just in case the order matters

alist = range(1000000)
times = []
for f in func_list:
    times.append(f(alist, 31))

times.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
for (time, result, func_name) in times:
    print '%s took %0.3fms.' % (func_name, time * 1000.)


% test.py
time_indexing took 73.230ms.
time_izip took 122.057ms.

And here I use timeit:

%  python - m timeit - s '' 'alist=range(1000000);[alist[i:i+31] for i in range(0, len(alist), 31)]'
10 loops, best of 3:
    64 msec per loop
% python - m timeit - s 'from itertools import izip' 'alist=range(1000000);i=iter(alist);[x for x in izip(*[i]*31)]'
10 loops, best of 3:
    66.5 msec per loop

Using timeit the results are virtually the same, but using the timing decorator it appears time_indexing is faster than time_izip.

What accounts for this difference?

Should either method be believed?

If so, which?


jonaprieto picture jonaprieto · Jan 2, 2015

Use wrapping from functools to improve Matt Alcock's answer.

from functools import wraps
from time import time

def timing(f):
    def wrap(*args, **kw):
        ts = time()
        result = f(*args, **kw)
        te = time()
        print 'func:%r args:[%r, %r] took: %2.4f sec' % \
          (f.__name__, args, kw, te-ts)
        return result
    return wrap

In an example:

def f(a):
    for _ in range(a):
        i = 0
    return -1

Invoking method f wrapped with @timing:

func:'f' args:[(100000000,), {}] took: 14.2240 sec

The advantage of this is that it preserves attributes of the original function; that is, metadata like the function name and docstring is correctly preserved on the returned function.