I have tried looking through multiple statistics modules for Python but can't seem to find any that support one-way ANOVA
post hoc tests.
one way ANOVA can be used like
from scipy import stats
f_value, p_value = stats.f_oneway(data1, data2, data3, data4, ...)
This is one way ANOVA and it returns F value and P value.
There is significant difference If the P value is below your setting.
The Tukey-kramer HSD test can be used like
from statsmodels.stats.multicomp import pairwise_tukeyhsd
print pairwise_tukeyhsd(Data, Group)
This is multicomparison. The output is like
Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD,FWER=0.05
group1 group2 meandiff lower upper reject
0 1 -35.2153 -114.8741 44.4434 False
0 2 46.697 -40.4993 133.8932 False
0 3 -7.5709 -87.49 72.3482 False
1 2 81.9123 5.0289 158.7956 True
1 3 27.6444 -40.8751 96.164 False
2 3 -54.2679 -131.4209 22.8852 False
Please refer to this site how to set the arguments.
The tukeyhsd of statsmodels doesn't return P value.
So, if you want to know P value, calculate from these outputted value or use R.