Python Maxent Classifier

cjds picture cjds · Apr 13, 2013 · Viewed 10.8k times · Source

I've been using the maxent classifier in python and its failing and I don't understand why.

I'm using the movie reviews corpus. (total noob)

import nltk.classify.util
from nltk.classify import MaxentClassifier
from nltk.corpus import movie_reviews

def word_feats(words):
 return dict([(word, True) for word in words])

negids = movie_reviews.fileids('neg')
posids = movie_reviews.fileids('pos')

negfeats = [(word_feats(movie_reviews.words(fileids=[f])), 'neg') for f in negids]
posfeats = [(word_feats(movie_reviews.words(fileids=[f])), 'pos') for f in posids]

negcutoff = len(negfeats)*3/4
poscutoff = len(posfeats)*3/4

trainfeats = negfeats[:negcutoff] + posfeats[:poscutoff]
classifier = MaxentClassifier.train(trainfeats)

This is the error (I know I'm doing this wrong please link to how Maxent works)

Warning (from warnings module): File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\nltk\classify\", line 1334 sum1 = numpy.sum(exp_nf_delta * A, axis=0) RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in multiply

Warning (from warnings module): File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\nltk\classify\", line 1335 sum2 = numpy.sum(nf_exp_nf_delta * A, axis=0) RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in multiply

Warning (from warnings module): File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\nltk\classify\", line 1341 deltas -= (ffreq_empirical - sum1) / -sum2 RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide


J4cK picture J4cK · Feb 21, 2014

I changed and update the code a bit.

import nltk, nltk.classify.util, nltk.metrics
from nltk.classify import MaxentClassifier
from nltk.collocations import BigramCollocationFinder
from nltk.metrics import BigramAssocMeasures
from nltk.probability import FreqDist, ConditionalFreqDist
from sklearn import cross_validation

from nltk.classify import MaxentClassifier
from nltk.corpus import movie_reviews

def word_feats(words):
 return dict([(word, True) for word in words])

negids = movie_reviews.fileids('neg')
posids = movie_reviews.fileids('pos')

negfeats = [(word_feats(movie_reviews.words(fileids=[f])), 'neg') for f in negids]
posfeats = [(word_feats(movie_reviews.words(fileids=[f])), 'pos') for f in posids]

negcutoff = len(negfeats)*3/4
poscutoff = len(posfeats)*3/4

trainfeats = negfeats[:negcutoff] + posfeats[:poscutoff]
#classifier = nltk.MaxentClassifier.train(trainfeats)

algorithm = nltk.classify.MaxentClassifier.ALGORITHMS[0]
classifier = nltk.MaxentClassifier.train(trainfeats, algorithm,max_iter=3)


all_words = nltk.FreqDist(word for word in movie_reviews.words())
top_words = set(all_words.keys()[:300])

def word_feats(words):
    return {word:True for word in words if word in top_words}