Flask - redirect url_for Error

user2104391 picture user2104391 · Mar 14, 2013 · Viewed 21.4k times · Source

Am having errors thrown in my flask application for the below Code.


return redirect(url_for('nextPage'),id=DBTable.id)

def nextPage(id):
return render_template('page2.html')               

Error - 
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\werkzeug\routing.py", line 1607, in build
raise BuildError(endpoint, values, method)
BuildError: ('nextPage', {}, None)
<SocketIOServer fileno=116 address=>: Failed to handle request:
request = POST /landingPage HTTP/1.1 from ('', 50287)
application = <flask.app.Flask object at 0x0000000002643B70>

Kindly help me with the above issue


Teisman picture Teisman · Mar 14, 2013

Besides all the obvious syntax errors, the problem should be resolved by placing the arguments that you pass to the route within the url_for block.

def index():
    # ...
    return redirect(url_for('nextPage', id=DBTable.id))

def nextPage(id):
    # ...
    return render_template('page2.html')