Open tor browser with selenium

user1907403 picture user1907403 · Mar 9, 2013 · Viewed 40.9k times · Source

Is it possible to make selenium use the TOR browser? Does anyone have any code they could copy-paste?


user2426679 picture user2426679 · Feb 17, 2014

Don't use the TBB, just set the correct proxy settings in whatever browser you're using. In FF for example, like this:

#set some privacy settings
ff_prof.set_preference( "places.history.enabled", False )
ff_prof.set_preference( "privacy.clearOnShutdown.offlineApps", True )
ff_prof.set_preference( "privacy.clearOnShutdown.passwords", True )
ff_prof.set_preference( "privacy.clearOnShutdown.siteSettings", True )
ff_prof.set_preference( "privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown", True )
ff_prof.set_preference( "signon.rememberSignons", False )
ff_prof.set_preference( "network.cookie.lifetimePolicy", 2 )
ff_prof.set_preference( "network.dns.disablePrefetch", True )
ff_prof.set_preference( "network.http.sendRefererHeader", 0 )

#set socks proxy
ff_prof.set_preference( "network.proxy.type", 1 )
ff_prof.set_preference( "network.proxy.socks_version", 5 )
ff_prof.set_preference( "network.proxy.socks", '' )
ff_prof.set_preference( "network.proxy.socks_port", 9050 )
ff_prof.set_preference( "network.proxy.socks_remote_dns", True )

#if you're really hardcore about your security
#js can be used to reveal your true i.p.
ff_prof.set_preference( "javascript.enabled", False )

#get a huge speed increase by not downloading images
ff_prof.set_preference( "permissions.default.image", 2 )

# programmatically start tor (in windows environment)
tor_path = "C:\\this\\is\\the\\location\\of\\" #tor.exe
torrc_path = "C:\\you\\need\\to\\create\\this\\file\\torrc"

#calling as a detached_process means the program will not die with your python program - you will need to manually kill it
# somebody please let me know if there's a way to make this a child process that automatically dies (in windows)
tor_process = subprocess.Popen( '"' + tor_path+'tor.exe" --nt-service "-f" "' + torrc_path + '"', creationflags=DETACHED_PROCESS )

#attach to tor controller
## imports ##
# import stem.socket
# import stem.connection
# import stem.Signal
tor_controller = stem.socket.ControlPort( port=9051 )

control_password = 'password'
#in your torrc, you need to store the hashed version of 'password' which you can get with: '"' + tor_path+'tor.exe" --hash-password %s' %control_password )

stem.connection.authenticate( tor_controller, password=control_password )

#check that everything is good with your tor_process by checking bootstrap status
tor_controller.send( 'GETINFO status/bootstrap-phase' )
response = worker.tor_controller.recv()
response = response.content()

#I will leave handling of response status to you