I have a group of variables named k1, k2 k3....k52. They variables are lists/numpy arrays depending on the scenario. Essentially I'd like to perform the same manipulation on them en masse within a loop, but am having trouble ierating over them. Essentially what i'd like is something like this:
for i in arange(0,52):
'k'+ str(i) = log10(eval('k' + str(i)))
Obviously i know the above wont work, but it gives the idea. My actual attempt is this:
for i in arange(0,10):
rate = eval('k' + str(i))
rate = np.array(rate,dtype=float)
rate = log10(rate)
vars()[rate] = 'k' + str(i)
(Its changed to a numpy array so i can log it, and then back to a list so i change the variable name back to what it was) Thanks for any help you can provide. I get the feeling this is something quite simple, but its escaping me at the moment.
edit: thanks very much for the answers, i should have explained that I can't really store them a set array, they need to remain as independent variables for reasons i don't really want to go into.
The line:
vars()[rate] = 'k' + str(i)
has to be replaced by:
vars()['k' + str(i)]=rate