How to override the copy/deepcopy operations for a Python object?

Brent Writes Code picture Brent Writes Code · Sep 30, 2009 · Viewed 62.3k times · Source

I understand the difference between copy vs. deepcopy in the copy module. I've used copy.copy and copy.deepcopy before successfully, but this is the first time I've actually gone about overloading the __copy__ and __deepcopy__ methods. I've already Googled around and looked through the built-in Python modules to look for instances of the __copy__ and __deepcopy__ functions (e.g.,, and, but I'm still not 100% sure I've got it right.

Here's my scenario:

I have a configuration object. Initially, I'm going to instantiate one configuration object with a default set of values. This configuration will be handed off to multiple other objects (to ensure all objects start with the same configuration). However, once user interaction starts, each object needs to tweak its configurations independently without affecting each other's configurations (which says to me I'll need to make deepcopys of my initial configuration to hand around).

Here's a sample object:

class ChartConfig(object):

    def __init__(self):

        #Drawing properties (Booleans/strings)
        self.antialiased = None
        self.plot_style = None
        self.plot_title = None
        self.autoscale = None

        #X axis properties (strings/ints)
        self.xaxis_title = None
        self.xaxis_tick_rotation = None
        self.xaxis_tick_align = None

        #Y axis properties (strings/ints)
        self.yaxis_title = None
        self.yaxis_tick_rotation = None
        self.yaxis_tick_align = None

        #A list of non-primitive objects
        self.trace_configs = []

    def __copy__(self):

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):

What is the right way to implement the copy and deepcopy methods on this object to ensure copy.copy and copy.deepcopy give me the proper behavior?


Antony Hatchkins picture Antony Hatchkins · Apr 2, 2013

Putting together Alex Martelli's answer and Rob Young's comment you get the following code:

from copy import copy, deepcopy

class A(object):
    def __init__(self):
        print 'init'
        self.v = 10
        self.z = [2,3,4]

    def __copy__(self):
        cls = self.__class__
        result = cls.__new__(cls)
        return result

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        cls = self.__class__
        result = cls.__new__(cls)
        memo[id(self)] = result
        for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
            setattr(result, k, deepcopy(v, memo))
        return result

a = A()
a.v = 11
b1, b2 = copy(a), deepcopy(a)
a.v = 12
print b1.v, b1.z
print b2.v, b2.z


11 [2, 3, 4, 5]
11 [2, 3, 4]

here __deepcopy__ fills in the memo dict to avoid excess copying in case the object itself is referenced from its member.