Can PyCharm list all of Python errors in a project?

Hamish Grubijan picture Hamish Grubijan · Feb 15, 2013 · Viewed 21.4k times · Source

I use python 2.7 in a virtual environment and PyCharm 2.7 (new build as of feb 07 2013).

Whenever I open a python file in it that has unambiguous errors (equivalent to compile errors in other languages, e.g. using undeclared variables, calling non-existing functions), it shows red stripes in the gutter of the file.

So, I discover errors randomly as I happened to navigate to a file that contains them. What I would really like is to be able to list all of the python errors in a separate window. The Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010/... IDE has a separate "Errors" view that lists all of them with file names and line numbers, and gives me the ability to click on any one of these errors and navigate directly to the source.

Does PyCharm have anything like this?


Vladimir picture Vladimir · Feb 15, 2013

You can call Code|Inspect Code (formerly Analyze|Inspect Code, thanks to @CrackerJack9) to get all errors and warnings and ways to fix them. In result panel you can choose to see only errors (red/yellow button at the left side).