How to use Flask-Security register view?

Chirdeep Tomar picture Chirdeep Tomar · Feb 10, 2013 · Viewed 11.6k times · Source

Has anyone used Flask-Security extension for authentication? How do I get register view to work?

I am referring to link above.

 @app.route('/register', methods=['GET'])
 def register():
     return render_template('security/register_user.html')

I don't want to extend the default class, I just want to wrap the default registration view in my site layout so I did this.

{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block title %}upload{% endblock %}
{% block body %}

{% from "security/_macros.html" import render_field_with_errors, render_field %}
{% include "security/_messages.html" %}
<form action="{{ url_for_security('register') }}" method="POST" name="register_user_form">
{{ register_user_form.hidden_tag() }}
{{ render_field_with_errors( }}
{{ render_field_with_errors(register_user_form.password) }}
{% if register_user_form.password_confirm %}
   {{ render_field_with_errors(register_user_form.password_confirm) }}
{% endif %}
{{ render_field(register_user_form.submit) }}
{% include "security/_menu.html" %}

{% endblock %}

And I am getting the following error?

BuildError: ('security.register', {}, None)


dcr picture dcr · Feb 24, 2013

You don't need to create the view. A default one is included in Flask-Security. You just need to enable it in your flask app config:

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECURITY_REGISTERABLE'] = True

With this, the '/register' route should work.
There is another configuration value to change the URL if desired:

app.config['SECURITY_REGISTER_URL'] = '/create_account'

Other Flask-Security configuration information can be found here: