I want to find string similarity between two strings. This page has examples of some of them. Python has an implemnetation of Levenshtein algorithm. Is there a better algorithm, (and hopefully a python library), under these contraints.
Would something other than Levenshtein distance(or Levenshtein ratio) be a better algorithm for my case?
I realize it's not the same thing, but this is close enough:
>>> import difflib
>>> a = 'Hello, All you people'
>>> b = 'hello, all You peopl'
>>> seq=difflib.SequenceMatcher(a=a.lower(), b=b.lower())
>>> seq.ratio()
You can make this as a function
def similar(seq1, seq2):
return difflib.SequenceMatcher(a=seq1.lower(), b=seq2.lower()).ratio() > 0.9
>>> similar(a, b)
>>> similar('Hello, world', 'Hi, world')