Remove rows not .isin('X')

DrewH picture DrewH · Dec 27, 2012 · Viewed 94.8k times · Source

Sorry just getting into Pandas, this seems like it should be a very straight forward question. How can I use the isin('X') to remove rows that are in the list X? In R I would write !which(a %in% b).


Jonny Brooks picture Jonny Brooks · Feb 9, 2017

You have many options. Collating some of the answers above and the accepted answer from this post you can do:
1. df[-df["column"].isin(["value"])]
2. df[~df["column"].isin(["value"])]
3. df[df["column"].isin(["value"]) == False]
4. df[np.logical_not(df["column"].isin(["value"]))]

Note: for option 4 for you'll need to import numpy as np

Update: You can also use the .query method for this too. This allows for method chaining:
5. df.query("column not in @values").
where values is a list of the values that you don't want to include.