How do we get TXT, CNAME and SOA records from dnspython?

Shabareesh picture Shabareesh · Dec 12, 2012 · Viewed 41.6k times · Source

I have a requirement to have a dns query function to query a server for various records. I figured out how to get the MX record (most of the examples show this), A record and NS record. How do I get the TXT, CNAME and SOA records?

Sample code snippet:

   import dns.resolver
   answer=dns.resolver.query("", "A")
       for data in answer:
           print data.address

I tried replacing the query type with TXT and the data.address object with data.text, etc, but ended up with attribute errors. What are the references for the data types I mentioned earlier?


Lars Nordin picture Lars Nordin · Jan 6, 2013

(To answer how you can figure out the returned data)

You can get the TXT, CNAME, and SOA records a similar way but you just have to get the correct attributes depending on the DNS response object.

Using the python dir() built-in is your friend and one way to figure out what attributes exist in the DNS response object - handy when API documentation is not available.

To figure out the appropriate attributes, change your for loop temporarily to the following:

   for data in answer:
       print dir(data)
       print data

Another and quicker way is to look at the API documentation for dnspython, these pages list the attributes for each returned object.

Lastly, you could look at the source if the library is in python or if not, then if the C code is available.

(And to answer your question:)

Here are examples of TXT, CNAME and SOA queries:


answers = dns.resolver.query('', 'TXT')
print ' query qname:', answers.qname, ' num ans.', len(answers)
for rdata in answers:
    for txt_string in rdata.strings:
      print ' TXT:', txt_string


answers = dns.resolver.query('', 'CNAME')
print ' query qname:', answers.qname, ' num ans.', len(answers)
for rdata in answers:
    print ' cname target address:',


answers = dns.resolver.query('', 'SOA')
print 'query qname:', answers.qname, ' num ans.', len(answers)
for rdata in answers:
    print ' serial: %s  tech: %s' % (rdata.serial, rdata.rname)
    print ' refresh: %s  retry: %s' % (rdata.refresh, rdata.retry)
    print ' expire: %s  minimum: %s' % (rdata.expire, rdata.minimum)
    print ' mname: %s' % (rdata.mname)