I'm very new to python but I'd like to learn it by making games and pygame seems to be the best option. Since PyPy is the fastest implementation of python (I think) I decided to use that one. But I have no idea how to get those two working together.
I'm on windows.
If anyone would be so kind to give me a step by step on what I need to do I'd be really grateful.
So far, I've installed (extracted to a folder) PyPy, set the pypy.exe as the default for opening .py files, installed Pygame and tried running one of the example .py files. I get the "module pygame not found" error with the first import line in the file.
pygame isn't compatible with pypy, so to use it you'll have to stick with cPython.
Update (April 2018):
As pointed out by in this answer the PyPy v6.0 release now works with pygame - although not yet with the current stable (pygame 1.9.3) release, but with the current developement branch (1.9.4.dev0).
tested on ubuntu 17.10 by:
sudo apt build-dep python-pygame
./bin/pypy3 -m ensurepip
./bin/pypy3 -m pip install 'Pygame>=1.9.4.dev0'
./bin/pypy3 -m pygame.examples.aliens
Works for both the pypy3 and pypy2 versions.