I need to create an Code128 Barcodes with Python/Django which have to be embeded in HTML document.
I don't want to make any temporary (or cache) files on the disk. That's why I want to embed them as Data URI Scheme.
The result have to be something like this:
<img src="
9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==" alt="Red dot">
Can you recommend me an easy way to do this?
Now I use ReportLab to create such a barcodes and embed them in PDF files, but I don't know how to export them as Data URI Scheme. If this is the recommended way to do this.
This is my own solution:
from base64 import b64encode
from reportlab.lib import units
from reportlab.graphics import renderPM
from reportlab.graphics.barcode import createBarcodeDrawing
from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Drawing
def get_barcode(value, width, barWidth = 0.05 * units.inch, fontSize = 30, humanReadable = True):
barcode = createBarcodeDrawing('Code128', value = value, barWidth = barWidth, fontSize = fontSize, humanReadable = humanReadable)
drawing_width = width
barcode_scale = drawing_width / barcode.width
drawing_height = barcode.height * barcode_scale
drawing = Drawing(drawing_width, drawing_height)
drawing.scale(barcode_scale, barcode_scale)
drawing.add(barcode, name='barcode')
return drawing
def get_image():
barcode = get_barcode(value = '01234567890', width = 600)
data = b64encode(renderPM.drawToString(barcode, fmt = 'PNG'))
print '<img src="data:image/png;base64,{0}">'.format(data)
And also you can get barcode rotated by 90°:
def get_barcode_rotated(value, width, barWidth = 0.05 * units.inch, fontSize = 30, humanReadable = True):
barcode = createBarcodeDrawing('Code128', value = value, barWidth = barWidth, fontSize = fontSize, humanReadable = humanReadable)
drawing_width = width
barcode_scale = drawing_width / barcode.width
drawing_height = barcode.height * barcode_scale
drawing = Drawing(drawing_width, drawing_height)
drawing.scale(barcode_scale, barcode_scale)
drawing.add(barcode, name='barcode')
drawing_rotated = Drawing(drawing_height, drawing_width)
drawing_rotated.translate(0, -drawing_height)
drawing_rotated.add(drawing, name='drawing')
return drawing_rotated
Here is an example result: