Simulate Ctrl-C keyboard interrupt in Python while working in Linux

Core_Dumped picture Core_Dumped · Oct 23, 2012 · Viewed 28.3k times · Source

I am working on some scripts (in the company I work in) that are loaded/unloaded into hypervisors to fire a piece of code when an event occurs. The only way to actually unload a script is to hit Ctrl-C. I am writing a function in Python that automates the process

As soon as it sees the string "done" in the output of the program, it should kill the vprobe. I am using subprocess.Popen to execute the command:

lineList = buff.readlines()
cmd = "vprobe /vprobe/myhello.emt"
p = subprocess.Popen(args = cmd, shell=True,stdout = buff, universal_newlines = True,preexec_fn=os.setsid)
while not"done",lineList[-1]):
        print "waiting"

As you can see, I am writing the output in buff file descriptor opened in read+write mode. I check the last line; if it has 'done', I kill it. Unfortunately, the CTRL_C_EVENT is only valid for Windows. What can I do for Linux?


Andrew Gorcester picture Andrew Gorcester · Oct 23, 2012

I think you can just send the Linux equivalent, signal.SIGINT (the interrupt signal).

(Edit: I used to have something here discouraging the use of this strategy for controlling subprocesses, but on more careful reading it sounds like you've already decided you need control-C in this specific case... So, SIGINT should do it.)