Tornado - '_xsrf' argument missing from POST

missingfaktor picture missingfaktor · Oct 15, 2012 · Viewed 17.7k times · Source

As can be seen in the following code, I have a GET for registration, that delegates its work to POST.

class RegistrationHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        s = """
              <form method="post" action="/register">
                      <input name="user_name" value="[email protected]"/>
                      <input name="password" type="password"/>
                      <input type="submit" value="submit"/>

    def post(self):
        user_name = self.request.arguments['user_name']
        password = self.request.arguments['password']
        log.debug('Registering user with credentials %r' % (user_name, password))
        with sa_session() as db_session:
            User.register(user_name, password, db_session)

When I access the URL from my web browser, I get a registration form, after submitting which I get "403: Forbidden".

Console log:

2012-10-15 11:27:42,482 - __main__ - DEBUG - Starting server on port 8080
2012-10-15 11:27:49,377 - root - INFO - 304 GET /register ( 0.78ms
2012-10-15 11:27:53,143 - root - WARNING - 403 POST /register ( '_xsrf' argument missing from POST
2012-10-15 11:27:53,144 - root - WARNING - 403 POST /register ( 1.05ms

What does this error mean and how do I correct it? Thanks.


andy boot picture andy boot · Oct 16, 2012

I imagine you have Cross-site request forgery cookies enabled in your settings (by default it is on).

Tornado's XSRF is here

To fix this turn it off in your settings:

settings = {
    "xsrf_cookies": False,

Note: Normally you dont want to turn this off and normally you'd be generating HTML in a template like this: Please note the xsrf bit which adds the XSRF cookie.

 <form method="post" action="/register">
     <input name="user_name" value="[email protected]"/>
     <input name="password" type="password"/>
     <input type="submit" value="submit"/>
{% raw xsrf_form_html() %}

---EDIT following comments--- Instead of:

  def get(self):
        loader = template.Loader("resources")
        page_contents = loader.load('register_page.html').generate()


  def get(self):

or better:

  def get(self):

(and put it in your templates directory)