How do I read an Excel file into Python using xlrd? Can it read newer Office formats?

lowkey picture lowkey · Sep 23, 2008 · Viewed 13.5k times · Source

My issue is below but would be interested comments from anyone with experience with xlrd.

I just found xlrd and it looks like the perfect solution but I'm having a little problem getting started. I am attempting to extract data programatically from an Excel file I pulled from Dow Jones with current components of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (link:

When I open the file unmodified I get a nasty BIFF error (binary format not recognized)

However you can see in this screenshot that Excel 2008 for Mac thinks it is in 'Excel 1997-2004' format (screenshot:

If I instead open it in Excel manually and save as 'Excel 1997-2004' format explicitly, then open in python usig xlrd, everything is wonderful. Remember, Office thinks the file is already in 'Excel 1997-2004' format. All files are .xls

Here is a pastebin of an ipython session replicating the issue:

Any thoughts on: How to trick xlrd into recognizing the file so I can extract data? How to use python to automate the explicit 'save as' format to one that xlrd will accept? Plan B?


John Machin picture John Machin · Mar 29, 2009

FWIW, I'm the author of xlrd, and the maintainer of xlwt (a fork of pyExcelerator). A few points:

  1. The file ComponentReport-DJI.xls is misnamed; it is not an XLS file, it is a tab-separated-values file. Open it with a text editor (e.g. Notepad) and you'll see what I mean. You can also look at the not-very-raw raw bytes with Python:

    >>> open('ComponentReport-DJI.xls', 'rb').read(200)
    tWEIGHT PCT\tUSD CLOSE\t\r\n3M Co.\tNew York SE\tMMM\tN/A\tDiversified Industria
    ls\tBroad\t5.15676229508\t50.33\t\r\nAlcoa Inc.\tNew York SE\tA'

    You can read this file using Python's csv module ... just use delimiter="\t" in your call to csv.reader().

  2. xlrd can read any file that pyExcelerator can, and read them better—dates don't come out as floats, and the full story on Excel dates is in the xlrd documentation.

  3. pyExcelerator is abandonware—xlrd and xlwt are alive and well. Check out

HTH John