Is there an easy way to make sessions timeout in flask?

verrochio picture verrochio · Aug 2, 2012 · Viewed 74.4k times · Source

I'm building a website with flask where users have accounts and are able to login. I'm using flask-principal for the loging in part and the role management. Is there a way of making the user's session expire after say 5 minutes or 10 minutes? I was not able to find that in flask documentation or, flask-principal's documentation.

I thought of a way of doing it by hand, set a variable server-side with a time tag at the moment of login and at the next action the user takes, the server verifies the time-delta on that timestamp and deletes the session.


codegeek picture codegeek · Aug 2, 2012

flask sessions expire once you close the browser unless you have a permanent session. You can possibly try the following:

from datetime import timedelta
from flask import session, app

def make_session_permanent():
    session.permanent = True
    app.permanent_session_lifetime = timedelta(minutes=5)

By default in Flask, permanent_session_lifetime is set to 31 days.