Periodically execute function in thread in real time, every N seconds

Ryan Haining picture Ryan Haining · Jul 15, 2012 · Viewed 34.4k times · Source

I have a threaded class whose loop needs to execute 4 times every second. I know that I can do something like


but the problem is that is doesn't account for the time it takes to do_stuff(). Effectively this needs to be a real-time thread. Is there a way to accomplish this? Ideally the thread would still be put to sleep when not executing code.


Filip Roséen - refp picture Filip Roséen - refp · Jul 15, 2012

The simple solution

import threading

def work (): 
  threading.Timer(0.25, work).start ()
  print "stackoverflow"

work ()

The above will make sure that work is run with an interval of four times per second, the theory behind this is that it will "queue" a call to itself that will be run 0.25 seconds into the future, without hanging around waiting for that to happen.

Because of this it can do it's work (almost) entirely uninterrupted, and we are extremely close to executing the function exactly 4 times per second.

More about threading.Timer can be read by following the below link to the python documentation:

RECOMMENDED] The more advanced/dynamic solution

Even though the previous function works as expected you could create a helper function to aid in dealing with future timed events.

Something as the below will be sufficient for this example, hopefully the code will speak for itself - it is not as advanced as it might appear.

See this as an inspiration when you might implement your own wrapper to fit your exact needs.

import threading

def do_every (interval, worker_func, iterations = 0):
  if iterations != 1:
    threading.Timer (
      do_every, [interval, worker_func, 0 if iterations == 0 else iterations-1]
    ).start ()

  worker_func ()

def print_hw ():
  print "hello world"

def print_so ():
  print "stackoverflow"

# call print_so every second, 5 times total
do_every (1, print_so, 5)

# call print_hw two times per second, forever
do_every (0.5, print_hw)