I am trying to retrieve a list that contains the entire contents of my personal twitter statuses with python and tweepy.
I have successfully authenticated via OAuth but cannot seem to recieve more than about 800 status updates from twitter. My twitter bio page says I have over 2000 tweets. I am well within the 3200 tweet limit Twitter imposes on us.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
This is my current code (minus OAuth API authentication):
for page in tweepy.Cursor(api.user_timeline, count=200).pages(16):
n = n+1
print n
for page in page_list:
for status in page:
print status.text
You need to specify include_rts=True as a parameter to api.user_timeline; retweets are not included by default. If you retweet a lot of things, this is likely where your missing tweets have gone.