I want to split a string by a list of indices, where the split segments begin with one index and end before the next one.
s = 'long string that I want to split up'
indices = [0,5,12,17]
parts = [s[index:] for index in indices]
for part in parts:
print part
This will return:
long string that I want to split up
string that I want to split up
that I want to split up
I want to split up
I'm trying to get:
I want to split up
s = 'long string that I want to split up'
indices = [0,5,12,17]
parts = [s[i:j] for i,j in zip(indices, indices[1:]+[None])]
['long ', 'string ', 'that ', 'I want to split up']
which you can print using:
print '\n'.join(parts)
Another possibility (without copying indices
) would be:
s = 'long string that I want to split up'
indices = [0,5,12,17]
parts = [s[indices[i]:indices[i+1]] for i in xrange(len(indices)-1)]