Scapy and rdpcap function

auino picture auino · May 29, 2012 · Viewed 15.6k times · Source

I'm using rdpcap function of Scapy to read a PCAP file. I also use the module described in a link to HTTP support in Scapy which is needed in my case, as I have to retrieve all the HTTP requests and responses and their related packets.

I noticed that parsing a large PCAP file the rdpcap function takes too much time to read it.

Is there a solution to read a pcap file faster?


wonder picture wonder · Jun 22, 2016

Scapy has another method sniff which you can use to read the pcap files too:

def method_filter_HTTP(pkt):
    #Your processing


rdpcap loads the entire pcap file to the memory. Hence it uses a lot of memory and as you said its slow. While sniff reads one packet at a time and passes it to the provided prn function. That store=0 parameter ensures that the packet is deleted from memory as soon as it is processed.