I wanted to create a simple gui with a play and stop button to play an mp3 file in python. I created a very simple gui using Tkinter that consists of 2 buttons (stop and play).
I created a function that does the following:
def playsound () :
sound = pyglet.media.load('music.mp3')
I added that function as a command to the button play. I also made a different function to stop music:
def stopsound ():
I added this function as a command to the second button. But the problem is that when I hit play, python and the gui freeze. I can try to close the window but it does not close, and the stop button is not responsive. I understand that this is because the pyglet.app.run() is executing till the song is over but how exactly do I prevent this? I want the gui to stop the music when I click on the button. Any ideas on where I can find a solution to this?
You are mixing two UI libraries together - that is not intrinsically bad, but there are some problems. Notably, both of them need a main loop of their own to process their events. TKinter uses it to communicate with the desktop and user-generated events, and in this case, pyglet uses it to play your music.
Each of these loops prevents a normal "top down" program flow, as we are used to when we learn non-GUI programming, and the program should proceed basically with callbacks from the main loops. In this case, in the middle of a Tkinter callback, you put the pyglet mainloop (calling pyglet.app.run
) in motion, and the control never returns to the Tkinter library.
Sometimes loops of different libraries can coexist on the same process, with no conflicts -- but of course you will be either running one of them or the other. If so, it may be possible to run each library's mainloop in a different Python thread.
If they can not exist together, you will have to deal with each library in a different process.
So, one way to make the music player to start in another thread could be:
from threading import Thread
def real_playsound () :
sound = pyglet.media.load('music.mp3')
def playsound():
global player_thread
player_thread = Thread(target=real_playsound)
If Tkinter and pyglet can coexist, that should be enough to get your music to start. To be able to control it, however, you will need to implement a couple more things. My suggestion is to have a callback on the pyglet thread that is called by pyglet every second or so -- this callback checks the state of some global variables, and based on them chooses to stop the music, change the file being played, and so on.