The Python Imaging Library (PIL) provides the Python language with a de-facto standard foundation for image work.
I'm trying to upload resized image to S3: fp = urllib.urlopen('http:/') img = cStringIO.StringIO(fp.…
python amazon-s3 python-imaging-library botoI was trying to use PIL to open an (Illustrator) .eps-file, do some changes and save it. I want to …
python image-processing python-imaging-library pythonmagickHow can I read metada, like coordinates, from a TIFF image in Python? I tried foo._getexif() from PIL, but …
python python-imaging-library tiffSo I am running python 2.6 on a macbook pro and trying to write the code in python to display an …
python image python-imaging-library busThis is a basic transform question in PIL. I've tried at least a couple of times in the past few …
python matlab python-imaging-library transformation pillowI have Pillow and qrcode modules installed in a virtual environment. From the python shell, I can create a test …
python python-imaging-library virtualenvwrapper pillowI am downloading satellite pictures like this (source: u0553130 at Since some images are mostly black, …
python python-imaging-library satelliteI have 8-bit greyscale TIFF images that I want to convert to Monochrome using a 75% white (decimal 190) threshold. In the …
python python-imaging-library thresholdI need to resize jpg images with Python without losing the original image's EXIF data (metadata about date taken, camera …
python image-processing python-imaging-library exifI have a fresh, minimal Raspbian Stretch install. I have installed the PIXEL-dekstop by running sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends xserver-xorg …
python python-imaging-library raspbian pillow