For questions concerning the Python dataclasses module (new in Python 3.7). Dataclasses are python classes but are specifically suited for storing data objects.
Long story short PEP-557 introduced data classes into Python standard library, that basically can fill the same role as collections.…
python namedtuple pep python-3.7 python-dataclassesI am using Python 3.6 and the dataclasses backport package from ericvsmith. It seems that calling dataclasses.asdict(my_dataclass) is ~10…
python python-dataclassesfrom typing import Optional @dataclass class Event: id: str created_at: datetime updated_at: Optional[datetime] #updated_at: datetime = field(…
python python-3.x python-dataclassesIt was decided to remove direct support for __slots__ from dataclasses for Python 3.7. Despite this, __slots__ can still be used …
python python-3.x slots python-dataclassesI'd like to create a config dataclass in order to simplify whitelisting of and access to specific environment variables (typing …
python python-3.x python-dataclassesI have some existing Python 3.6 code that I'd like to move to Python 3.7 dataclasses. I have __init__ methods with nice …
python documentation python-3.7 docstring python-dataclassesLet's assume you have defined a Python dataclass: @dataclass class Marker: a: float b: float = 1.0 What's the easiest way to …
python python-dataclasses