Unable to get page count. Is poppler installed and in PATH? on mac

Jalaj Chandnani picture Jalaj Chandnani · Feb 12, 2019 · Viewed 8.1k times · Source

Unable to get page count. Is poppler installed and in PATH?

poppler installed...reinstalled pdf2image installed....reinstalled

note: Having Python version 3 and 2 using 3...as python -V code running on 3

-----python code

from pdf2image import convert_from_path pages = convert_from_path('dhl.pdf', 500)

Location is also correct.

File "/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pdf2image/pdf2image.py", line 186, in _page_count raise PDFInfoNotInstalledError('Unable to get page count. Is poppler installed and in PATH?')

PDFInfoNotInstalledError: Unable to get page count. Is poppler installed and in PATH?


gabzo picture gabzo · Mar 29, 2019

I had the same issue. pdf2image has the Poppler dependency.

What you need to do is the following.

 brew install poppler

in your mac terminal.