Install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper on MacOS

Stan Redoute picture Stan Redoute · Mar 24, 2018 · Viewed 19.8k times · Source

How to install and configure virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper for Python on OSX?


Stan Redoute picture Stan Redoute · Mar 28, 2018

To install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper for repetitive use you need a correctly configured Python (this example uses Python 3.x but process is identical for Python 2.x).

Although you can get python installer from Python website I strongly advice against it. The most convenient and future-proof method to install Python on MacOS is brew.

Main difference between installer from Python website and brew is that installer puts python packages to:


Brew on the other hand installs Python, Pip & Setuptools and puts everything to:


And though it may not make any difference to you now – it will later on.

Configuration steps

  1. Install brew

Check out brew installation page or simply run this in your terminal:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  1. Install Python

To install python with brew run:

brew install python3

Now your system needs to know where to look for freshly installed Python packages. Add this line to youre ~/.zshrc (or ~/.bash_profile if you're using bash):

export PATH=/usr/local/share/python:$PATH

Restart your terminal. To make sure you've done everything correctly run which python3 and in return you should receive /usr/local/bin/python.

  1. Install virtualenv & virtualenvwrapper

Now it's time to install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper to be able to use workon command and switch between virtual environments. This is done using pip:

pip3 install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
  1. Set up virtualenv variables

Define a default path for your virtual environments. For example you can create a hidden directory inside ~ and called it .virtualenvs with mkdir ~/.virtualenvs. Add virtualenv variables to .zshrc (or .bash_profile).

Final version of your .zshrc (or .bash_profile) should contain this information to work properly with installed packages:

# Setting PATH for Python 3 installed by brew
export PATH=/usr/local/share/python:$PATH

# Configuration for virtualenv
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python3
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_VIRTUALENV=/usr/local/bin/virtualenv
source /usr/local/bin/

Restart your terminal. You should be able to use mkvirtualenv and workon commands including autocompletion.

Here's a little tip on how to create virtualenv with specific version of Python.

In case you are using MacOS Mojave and you are installing Python3.6 from brew bottle you might have a problem with pip, here's a solution that might help.

With time some of you may want to install multiple Python versions with multiple virtual environments per version. That's where pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv come into play.