I am trying to read from a cisco router using telnetlib
import telnetlib
tn = telnetlib.Telnet(’’, 17280)
cmd2=”show run”
#session.write("command".encode('ascii') + b"\r")
tn.write(cmd1.encode('ascii') + b"\r")
tn.write(cmd2.encode('ascii') + b"\r")
print op
I am able to write to the console of the router successfully However the system just hangs,when i try to read from the console of the router. When i use read_some(), i get a part of the output.But read_all() just hangs and gives no response Please suggest a solution
command in python's telnetlib module will block if there's no timeout specified when you make your connection.
your invocation command should look like
tn = telnetlib.Telnet('', 17280, timeout = 1)
you can also substitute your own timeout value.