I have a dataframe and I want to add for each row new_col=max(some_column0)
grouped by some other column1:
maxs = df0.groupBy("catalog").agg(max("row_num").alias("max_num")).withColumnRenamed("catalog", "catalogid")
df0.join(maxs, df0.catalog == maxs.catalogid).take(4)
And in second string I get an error:
AnalysisException: u'Detected cartesian product for INNER join between logical plans\nProject ... Use the CROSS JOIN syntax to allow cartesian products between these relations.;'
What do I not understand: why spark finds here cartesian product?
A possible way to get this error: I save DF to Hive table, then init DF again as select from table. Or replace these 2 strings with hive query - no matter. But I don't want to save DF.
As described in Why does spark think this is a cross/cartesian join, it may be caused by:
This happens because you join structures sharing the same lineage and this leads to a trivially equal condition.
As for how the cartesian product was generated? You can refer to Identifying and Eliminating the Dreaded Cartesian Product.