Top "Pypi" questions

The Python Package Index (PyPI) is a repository of software for the Python programming language.

pip.conf not paying attention to trusted-host

I have my pip.conf file as follows: [global] trusted-host = <private IP> extra-index-url = http://<private IP>/…

python pip pypi
PyCharm Error Loading Package List

I just downloaded PyCharm the other day and wanted to download a few packages. I'm using Windows 10 with PyCharm 2016.2.2 and …

python pycharm pypi
How can I install packages hosted in a private PyPI using

I'm trying to write the install file for a private project, which has both public and private dependencies. …

python setuptools pypi
Post-install script with Python setuptools

Is it possible to specify a post-install Python script file as part of the setuptools file so that …

python setuptools software-distribution pypi
How can you bundle all your python code into a single zip file?

It would be convenient when distributing applications to combine all of the eggs into a single zip file so that …

python pypi
pip requirements.txt with alternative index

I want to put all the requirements of a repoze Zope2 install in a pip requirements file. Most of the …

python pip pypi
Using an extra python package index url with

Is there a way to use an extra python package index (ala pip --extra-index-url mypackage) with setup.…

python packaging pypi
How to specify multiple author(s) / email(s) in

We wrote a small wrapper to a twitter app and published this information to But setup.…

python pypi
python easy_install fails with SSL certificate error for all packages

Goal: I'm on RedHat 5 and trying to install the latest python and django for a web app. I successfully altinstalled …

python django ssl easy-install pypi
How can I host my own private conda repository?

I have a few python projects that are dependent on each other. I have different release versions for each project …

python pip anaconda pypi conda