Top "Pygame" questions

Pygame is a set of Python modules designed for writing video games.

line 60, in make_tuple return tuple(l) TypeError: iter() returned non-iterator of type 'Vector'

I am new to Vectors and making classes. I am trying to construct my own vector class but when i …

python class vector iteration pygame
pygame.time.set_timer confusion?

So, I have a problem, I don't fully understand the event that is needed to be given to a timer …

python timer pygame clock timing
Installing Pygame on 64-bit Windows 7 and 64-bit Python 2.7

The title says it all. I do see similar questions, someone suggested about…

python-2.7 pygame installation-package
PYTHON- PYGAME: How do I know if a mouse clicked on an image?

I'm making a basic level game where if i click a card, a picture will show. The pictures are randomly …

python pygame mouseclick-event mouse-coordinates
How to fix this DeprecationWarning

DeprecationWarning: an integer is required (got type float). Implicit conversion to integers using int is deprecated, and may be removed …

python python-3.x pygame pygame-surface pygame2
Can't install pygame with pip as there is an error whilst bdist_wheel for pygame

I am trying to install pygame for Python 3 on an anaconda install. I run pip install pygame, and it outputs …

python macos pygame pip anaconda
How to create a pygame surface from a numpy array of float32?

I have a piece of code that works using my_surface = pygame.image.load('some_image.png') This returns a …

python pygame pygame-surface
Do something every x (milli)seconds in pygame

I'm learing Python and Pygame, and my first thing I'm making is a simple Snake game. I'm trying to make …

python function pygame milliseconds seconds
Antialiasing shapes in Pygame

I'm using Pygame to draw some things. The problem is that they have a lot of aliased edges: I want …

python pygame antialiasing
Python 3.3 with Pillow - ImportError: No module named 'Image'

I have this code: import Image import pygame, sys from pygame.locals import * pygame.init() catImg ="cat.jpg") …

pygame python-imaging-library python-3.3 pillow