Top "Push" questions

In distributed version control, push is the action of sending local changes to a remote repository.

Bundle Identifier and push certificate... aps-environment entitlement error

I've read Where does xcode take application's Identifier from? , XCode bundle identifier formatting from {PRODUCT_NAME} , and loads more but... …

xcode push ios-provisioning settings.bundle
How to change git ssh user for a remote push temporarily?

Is it possible to change the ssh user temporarly for a "git push remote master" without messing up with .git/…

git ssh push
Adaptive segue in storyboard Xcode 6. Is push deprecated?

Xcode 6 interface builder by default has new checkbox "use size classes". It makes views adaptive. When I try to make …

storyboard push ios8 xcode6
Warning on "diff.renamelimit variable" when doing git push

I'm pushing the local commit to the remote git server and got the following warning messages: remote: warning: only found …

git warnings push
"Updates were rejected because the tag already exists" when attempting to push in SourceTree

When attempting to Push via Source Tree, I get the following error: git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=…

git push atlassian-sourcetree
git error when trying to push to remote branch

I've cloned repository A's master branch from git and created my own branch called Li. I've made some changes a …

git push
How to combine group of local commits to single push in IDEA?

In IDEA I am trying to push some commits. I have a requirement that on remote server it looks like …

git intellij-idea push commit
Cannot push Git to remote repository with http/https

I have a Git repository in a directory served by apache on a server. I have configured WebDAV and it …

git http https push
git how to disable push

I am using git and I am doing my development work, which I don't want to push, even by mistake. …

git push
In Xcode 4 how do I add a remote GitHub repository to an existing local project?

The Git integration in Xcode 4 is very welcome however it seems to be a bit flaky when it comes to …

git github xcode4 push