Top "Puppeteer" questions

Puppeteer is a Node.

How to await inside setInterval in JS?

I have a code segment that looks like this: async function autoScroll(page, maxDate = null) { await page.evaluate(async () => { …

javascript asynchronous promise async-await puppeteer
how do you install and run puppeteer for firefox

Hi I am doing some web automation. I am trying to open a url and I am getting a data …

javascript node.js firefox puppeteer webautomation
Headless Chrome Node API and Puppeteer installation

Throughout the process of installation chrome headless on a clean ubuntu 18.04 i faced quite a few issues. The setup guide …

puppeteer headless-browser google-chrome-headless
How to use Puppeteer in an Angular application

My question is simple but i don't understand if it's possible and in this case how it's possible ? I would …

angular typescript protractor puppeteer e2e-testing
Why is puppeteer reporting "UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Navigation failed because browser has disconnected!"?

I've got a simple node.js script to capture screenshots of a few web pages. It appears I'm getting tripped …

node.js puppeteer google-chrome-headless
Managing puppeteer for memory and performance

I'm using puppeteer for scraping some pages, but I'm curious about how to manage this in production for a node …

node.js web-scraping puppeteer
Puppeteer log inside page.evaluate

How can I console.log something inside the page.evaluate, passing it to node and using it during the evaluation …

javascript node.js puppeteer
Wait for text to appear when using Puppeteer

I wonder if there's a similar way as in Selenium to wait for text to appear for a particular element. …

javascript node.js google-chrome-devtools puppeteer google-chrome-headless
How to avoid being detected as bot on Puppeteer and Phantomjs?

Puppeteer and PhantomJS are similar. The issue I'm having is happening for both, and the code is also similar. I'd …

node.js phantomjs bots puppeteer headless-browser
How to save cookies and load it in another puppeteer session?

I had to request the same webpage twice to get the cookies in the 1st request and use it in …

cookies puppeteer