Top "Puppet" questions

Puppet is a ruby-based Configuration Management system incorporating a model-driven DSL.

simple puppet script to copy files

Hi I'm new to puppet and trying to work on a sample to copy files from one location to another …

puppet puppetlabs-apache
Function in puppet for checking if a string contains another string

I would like to know if there is any way of checking if a string exists inside another string (ie …

regex contains puppet
Puppet: How can I wrap a command into two line if >80 characters?

In puppet, if define command is > 80 characters, how can I wrap into two line to do it? exec { 'create_…

coding-style puppet
Where is “Jenkins URL” configuration stored?

I'm trying to set up a non-default URL as part of a puppet script that installs Jenkins. I know how …

jenkins puppet
Installing a puppet module from a manifest script

I'm using puppet to provision a vagrant (ubuntu based) virtual machine. In my script I need to: sudo apt-get build-dep …

vagrant puppet
how to remove all /etc/*.txt files with puppet

this puppet manifest will remove the file /etc/file.txt if it exists: file { "/etc/file.txt": ensure => absent, } …

Add user to multiple groups with Puppet

I'm attempting to assign users to multiple groups with a manifest, but am running into walls. Attempt 1: class usergroup { group { "…

puppet usergroups
Duplicate declaration of same resource defined in separate classes

I have a class definition which requires the build-essential package: class erlang($version = '17.3') { package { "build-essential": ensure => installed } ... } …

How to log puppet agent and master

Puppet writes logging by default to syslog. Why is that? Most software write to some separate logfile. I checked the …

syslog puppet
How to develop a LAMP web application using Docker, Puppet and Vagrant?

In the dark ages, my usual set up for development of LAMP web applications was to test locally on my …

web-applications vagrant docker puppet lamp